Yashar Communications provides accurate information and knowledge about the Jews and Israel through Kakehashion, a video project for Japanese people interested in learning about the Jewish people. Additionally, ED&T provides editing, design, translation and video services for a variety of clients. We also maintain the archive of The Jerusalem Herald, an English-language Israeli news media website. Read more about us here!
The Jerusalem Herald archive — a professional English-language media website presenting analysis and commentary from a Jewish nationalist religious perspective.
Kakehashion creates Japanese-language videos raising awareness and understanding among the Japanese public regarding the Jewish people, Judaism, and Israel, fostering closer ties between the two peoples.
ED&T writers, editors, designers, and translators work with traditional print, web and video formats.

... provides freelance creative services
including writing, editing, design, and translation
"Intelligent honest journalism. A fresh and very necessary perspective in today’s mostly leftist media reporting."
— Shelly
"...Simply amazing. Thank you very much for sharing this very Middle Eastern and very human story..."
"An important point of view."
— Carlos
"Yashar Koach for your excellent online publication! Please subscribe me to Jerusalem Herald. Todah Rabbah."
— Mati
"...to hear the truth about the events about what is happening in the State of Israel..not the lies spread by the liberal anti Israel news sources in the United States"
— Steve

The Jerusalem Herald, an Israeli English-language digital news site that presents analysis and commentary from a Jewish religious Zionist perspective, suspended publication in 2021 due to COVID. An archive of this professional media website is maintained with its published analysis and commentary focusing on five news areas, namely:
The Jewish State;
Judaism and Culture;
IDF and Security;
The World Stage;
and The Muslim World.
"I enjoyed reading the truth here, despite its unpleasant implications."
— Rahel
"Thanks and wishing you continued success. Looking forward to reading great stuff. "
— Rashi
"I wish to commend you for your role in maintaining the high standard of journalism, helping to protect Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East."
— Anayo
"I a man an Evangelical Christian that loves Jews and Israel. This is not because my Bible tells me to, it is just the right thing to do. In all of my friends and family, l don't know anyone that doesn't agree. Israel forever!!!"
— Tom
"Informative and balanced journalism - thank you."
— Andre